Adding a crown after root canal treatment
Most posterior teeth( grinding teeth) that received a root canal treatment become brittle over time, which makes that liable to fracture and become non restorable due to the high grinding forces.
Anterior teeth on the other hand, although can survive longer but their change in color after root canal treatment would be the reason why we advise placing a crown.
A crown is a cap that completely covers a real tooth. It might be necessary to use a crown after root canal treatment to prevent the tooth fracturing.
Crowns can be made from:
- metal, Porcalin or both
- Zirconia
The tooth will have to be reduced in size and crown will then be used to replace what’s removed.
A mould of your tooth will be taken to ensure the crown is the right shape and size, and fits your tooth accurately.
When fitting the crown, cement will be used to glue the crown.
If there is only a little remaining tooth structure after Root Canal Treatment and tooth grinding, you will be advised to to place a post and do a tooth buildup before the crown.
Having a crown fitted to the tooth after root canal treatment is important for improving tooth survival rates.
If you keep your teeth clean, your treated tooth should survive for a long time.
The survival of your tooth depends on a number of factors, including:
- how much of the natural tooth remains
- how well you keep your teeth clean
- the biting forces on the tooth
Generally the crown should last between 8 to 10 years.